An Audience with HH The Dalai Lama

The Institute had awarded its first ever Ahimsa Awards to His Holiness the Dala Lama and to Mr Nelson Mandela. None of the Award receipients could receive the awards personally at the time but did accept the request from the Trustees that whenever they are in London, they would try to receive the award from the Trustees personally.

His Holiness arrived in London on 20th May and granted an audience to the Trustees on 21st May 2008.

The Trustees and their wives were personally welcomed by His Holiness in his suite. He talked about the concepts of Ahimsa in both the Jain and Buddhist philosophies and commented that this concept was very finely developed in the Jain philosophy. He also referred to the Jain belief of eternal Atma and the Buddhist belief of momentary nature of Atma.

Institute’s Deputy Chairman Nemu Chandaria read the citation for the award and then presented the Award trophy.

All those visiting were blessed by His Holiness.

Deputy Chanirman Nemu Chandaria Reading the Citation for the Award

Award Being Presented to His Holiness

Trustees & Their Wives with His Holiness