Jain Events During Inter Faith Week (2)

Jain Events During Inter Faith Week 

15-21st November 2009 

England will be having it’s first ever Inter Faith Week from 15th-21st November.  It is being facilitated by the Inter Faith Network for the UK and the Department for Communities and Local Government with faith communities hosting various events to help promote understanding and friendship between people of different faith and belief backgrounds.  

 The Jain community of UK is delighted to be actively involved during Inter Faith Week and is hosting several events.  It is a fantastic opportunity to share the richness of Jain philosophy with the wider public and openly welcome them to our beautiful places of worship.  Confirmed events are below and more will be added soon, so please keep checking this site.

Please invite your friends, family, colleagues and the general public to come and learn more about Jainism and our ancient tradition. 

Inter Faith Week: www.interfaithweek.org

Find out what’s happening in your local area:   www.erffn.org.uk/ 

Jain Co-ordinator for Inter Faith Week and Trustee of the Inter Faith Network:   

 Jyoti Mehta :   jyoti_is@yahoo.co.uk


Three Participating Jain Centres in London


  Event 1



Potters Bar

Oshwal Temple

 Organised by Oshwal Association of the UK 


Open Day on  Sunday 15th November 2009

Oshwal Centre, Coopers Lane Road,
Northaw, Hertfordshire, EN6 4DG
Tel: 01707 643 838    Fax: 01707 644562  Email: admin@oshwal.org


Contact Person:
Kishor Bhimji Shah : KShah12179@aol.com Website: www.oshwal.org 

  At Potters Bar

 Photos by: Bhavik Haria

Guided Tours and Presentations will be available at following times :
10.30 am – 11.30 am, 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm, 2.30pm – 4.30 pm 

 Light refreshments will be provided at the end of each session.

 Visits at other times: Groups are welcome to visit the Jain Temple at Oshwal Centre from 10.00AM to 4.00PM throughout the year. Groups are requested to contact the Administrators at Oshwal Centre either by phone – 01707 643838 or email: admin@oshwal.org to pre-book the visit.

Event 2

Evening of Inspirational & Devotional Singing

Young Jains UK and Bhakti Mandal

Date: Friday 20th November 2009
Time: 7.30pm – 10.00pm
Venue: Zartoshty Brothers Hall, 
Zoroastrian Centre,
440 Alexandra Ave,
Harrow, HA2 9TL
(opposite Rayners Lane tube station). 
This event, “In Tune with God” will be an evening session of inspirational and devotional music from a diverse number of different faiths. Invited members from the Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian faithswill also present hymns/songs. Each faith will do a 15 minute presentation which will be accompanied by live music. The event is intended to promote harmony and understanding between communities of different faiths, through the powerful recital of devotional songs and music.

Refreshments will be served at the end of the event
For catering purposes, please let us know if you are attending by emailing: Prafula Shah – ppraffyshah@gmail.com or Roshni Gudhka – roshni@youngjains.org.uk.

This event has been supported by the Zartoshty Brothers Hall, Zoroastrian Centre.

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Event 3



Puja at S Ldn

Organised by  

Oshwal Association of the UK 

Photo courtesy of SCVP South London

Open Day on  Saturday 21st November  2009

South London Mahajan Wadi
1 Campbell Road, Off London Road
 Croydon Surrey  CR0 2SQ
Contact Person:
Pushpaben Bhimji Shah : pushpashah12@hotmail.co.uk
Website:  www.oshwal.org

Guided Tour / Presentation Times:

10.00am – 11.00am      11.30am – 12.30pm 1.30pm – 2.30pm        3.00pm – 4.00pm   Light refreshments will be provided at the end of each session.