Thursday 3rd March 2016 6pm to 9pm
The event was facilitated by the St Phillips Centre and held at Ramgarhia Centre in Leicester with representation from various institutions and bodies along with prominent representatives from most faith groups. The Jain community was represented by the members of Jain Samaj Europe (JSE) on behalf of OneJAIN UK. JSE Team comprised of Mr Kalpit Doshi General Secretary, Mrs Rina Shah EC JSE, Mrs Hansa Sheth Teacher JSE School and Mr Gajendra Chatrisha Ex Officio JSE
The seminar started with a welcome and introduction by Mr David Jones, Independent Chair of Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. This was followed by a rationale for the event with the journey thus far by the CSE Seminar planning group.
Cllr Manjula Sood MBE – Chair of Leicester Council of Faiths, Bishop John Holbrook – Chair of Faith Leaders Forum and Resham Singh Sandhu MBE DL – Chair of Leicestershire Interfaith Forum, the three faith leaders responded to the discussion thus far.
This was followed by the police response from Simon Cole QPM – Chief Constable Leicestershire Constabulary with a further continuation on police investment from Sir Clive Loader PCC.
Further explanation with stress on the importance of identifying, educating and the process of informing was demonstrated and setting the scene for a play by actors who visually imparted a harrowing story which moved those who had attended.
Time was provided for an informal discussion on various scenarios within the attending groups provoking interesting conversation and debate.
All faith representatives signed the CEASE pledge: “Commitment to Eradicate Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of children in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland” and made a personal commitment to take this back to their respective communities and deal this with total awareness.
This type of crime is not new but with heightened profile in recent times from the Saville enquiry to the recent cases in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxfordshire and that of the footballer Adam Johnson highlighting the systematic institutional failings has proved that we all need to be aware of this threat, now classed a serious matter affecting our NATIONAL SECURITY.
The on-going Goddard Enquiry will unearth more harrowing stories revealing the threat which is so deep rooted and presented to us in various guises thus requiring the faith leaders to take immediate responsibility. They should seek the necessary advice on how to identify such threat and educate the community and ensuring that the victim or victims receive the much needed and deserved support from the community.
The fact that this level of crime is still occurs both frightens and angers the parents. Thus all community members must join in working together to identify the needs of our children, with no excuses in order for us to demand and expect results from all related authorities.