On 16th May The Most Reverend Archbishop Kevin McDonald Archbishop Emeritus of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark, England visited the Jain temple at the Oshwal Centre, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.
The event was jointly organised by the Oshwal Association of the UK (OAUK) and the Institute of Jainology (IoJ). This invitation had resulted from the visits made by the Jain delegations led by IoJ to the Vatican – the last visit being in December 2011. The Pontifical Council in Rome, to further the relations established by the two Jain delegations, had initiated the engagement in the UK.
His Grace was accompanied by Bishop Paul Hendricks, the Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark and the Diocesan Advisor on new Religious Movements and Cults; Rev Jon Dal Din the Director of Westminster Interfaith, Alfred Agius who has spent considerable time in India and holds a degree in Sanskrit, and was former Director of Westminster Interfaith, and Katharina Müller, the interreligious advisor to the Catholic Bishop’s Conference.

Oshwal Association President Mr Tushar J Shah and IoJ Chairman Mr Nemu Chandaria received the guests at the entrance of the Oshwal House and were introduced to Oshwal Trustees and IoJ Directors in the Board Room over refreshments. .

Arshna Sanghrajka then led a guided tour of the Jain temple, and its grounds. She explained the Jain principles and the significance of the various symbols and shapes incorporated in the garden layout and the temple building itself. Along the route she explained the Jain philosophy and its primary tenets of Ahimsa and Anekantvad (multi faceted nature of truth).

In the temple, the local resident priest recited Aarti and Mangal Divo whilst Oshwal Trustees performed the ritual watched by the visitors.

Entourage then proceeded to the L V Hall, where the other invited guests were awaiting their arrival. Representatives from the local Roman Catholic Parish Church and the R C School, members of the interfaith community, leaders and members of the Jain community were all present to welcome His Grace.
His Grace was garlanded and had a ‘tilak’ of sandal wood paste marked on his forehead by the Oshwal President. Other guests had tilaks marked on their foreheads by Oshwal Trustees.

Mr Chiman Shah , the MC for the day invited Mrs Sushila Shah to start the program by reciting Namaskar Mantra.
Oshwal President then welcomed the guests formally and introduced His Grace to the audience. He outlined Jain community’s participation in interfaith activities, sharing the Jain values with other faiths. At the same time Jains aspire to learn and understand the diverse cultures and faiths found in modern Britain. He continued stating that AHIMSA (non violence) is an essential way of life in Jainism leading to a vegetarian diet necessary to lead a healthy life. These values by their nature are environmentally friendly and so necessary as proven by many more people changing their diet styles. Click here for : Address by Oshwal President
Mr Nemu Chandaria, Institute of Jainology’s Chairman then proceeded to outline the brief history of the Institute through a visual presentation. He highlighted the presentation of Jain Declaration on Nature to H R H the Duke of Edinburgh and getting Jain religion to be recognised as the eight faith in the world. He talked about the Jain Art from India exhibition, launching of the Jain Manuscript Catalogue by the Indian Prime Minister in New Delhi and by H R H Prince Philip at the Buckingham Palace. He referred to the Ahimsa Day celebrations at the House of Commons and listed some of the leading personalities who had been presented with Ahimsa Award.
Dr Harshad Sanghrajka, Deputy Chairman, IoJ, with a power point presentation, introduced the JAINpedia project by listing the stake holders, the funders and the partners. He outlined the concepts behind the project, and explained how it will provide authentic information on Jain religion and philosophy worldwide. He said plans were in hand to provide a world wide platform for community participation in development of the site via an e-magazine.
Archbishop McDonald in his address thanked the hosts for their warm welcome. He emphasised the importance of friendship and goodwill between the different religions for good of both the religious community and the society as a whole. He had observed the difference between his own community and the Jain community and welcomed the opportunity to move from being strangers to being friends and from suspicion to collaboration.
He spoke of the importance placed by H H Pope Paul II in establishing good relationship between the religions and how this was followed up in 1986 by World Day of Prayer in Assisi celebrated by leaders of all religions worldwide.
He concluded by saying that his visit was part of a new movement and vision and thanked the hosts once again for the welcome offered to him. Click here for : Address by Archbishop K McDonald
Following his address, Mr Tushar shah & Mr Nemu Chandaria offered gifts to His Grace who in turn offered his gifts t them.

There was an exchange of mementoes. Following this exchange, Jaysukh Mehta, director at IoJ gave the vote of thanks ending the formal session of the visit.
There were a few group photos before the group proceed to a enjoy a sumptuous vegetarian spread. His Grace took the opportunity to meet some of the members of the community after lunch.

The visitors departed as scheduled having left an impression of friendliness and curiosity to learn and know.
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