Many would recall the the Jain Exhibition of Art “Victorious Ones: Jain Images of Perfection” held in Los Angeles and London in 1995. Two exhibitions are now be held at Ruben Museum of Art on Jain Art and at Metropolitan Museum of Art on Jain Manuscripts. Following the announcement of the exhibitions to be held by the[…]
IOJ has celebrated Ahimsa Day in October each year over the past seven years. It has been one of the most suceessful event in the Jain Calendar in the UK. The event is hosted by an MP at the House of Commons. We invite speakers of international repute to address the gathering on a selected[…]
In the untimely death of Muniraj Shri Jambuvijayji Maharaj, the nation has lost a polyglot, who was well-versed in Sanskrit, Prakrit, French, German, Japanese, Sinhalese and Tibeti, a researcher par excellence and one who was committed to restoration and preservation of priceless manuscripts of ancient scriptures. The world of Indian literature and culture is poorer today and the loss is almost irreparable. A staunch votary of Indian culture and values, his was a sensitive heart that bled for the poor. At the ripe age of 87, his zeal for research was phenomenal. He delved deep into the ancient scriptures, pored over them with a view to unravelling the treasures buried in them.
Some 30 peopele visited the Jain Temple at Oshwal centre yesterday 1. In the morning the local fireman came to visit from 10.30am onwards until 12.30. Some 10 fireman came with their 2 fire engines. They enjoyed the talk given by Vijaybhai and were very pleased with the visit. Many of them had a number[…]
Agam Prabhavak, an eminent research scholar, most respected Jain monk by all sects of Jainism and by the scholars of South Asian regions, Muni Shri Jambu Vijayji passed away early this morning (November 12, 2009 – Thursday – Indian time). Early morning, Muni Shri Jambu Vijayji was traveling on foot along with other monks from[…]
Dr Kumarpal Desai, Institute’s Indian Co-ordinator and Managing Trustee is a prolific author with several books and hundreds of articles being published by him. His recent article appeared in the Indian Financial Times a copy of which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. Dr Kumarpal’s Article
Gujarati Lexicon has a supplementary Lok Kosh now to assemble new words in current usage in Gujarati language.
The Institute of Jainology has been promoting the awareness of Jain philosophy worldwide launched the ‘Jainpaedia’ project in India at the Yogi Hall, Dadar, Mumbai on Sunday 25th October. The project’s main objective is to create a contextualised database of the important Jain manuscripts currently in various collections in the UK. This database will be[…]
Folowing requests from many community members Jaina Education Committee has made available two and a half hour traditional Savantsari pratikraman inMP3 format.
India Posts have released beautiful new stamps commemorating the world famous Jain temples of 10th/11th and 14th century. Brief description of temples included.