Victoria & Albert Museum Art Fund

The Victoria and Albert Museum Jain Art Fund offers grants to support study, research or training in the field of Jain cultural, historical and art historical studies. They will support both Indian-based scholars and museum curators spending time in the UK, and UK-based scholars and curators visiting India for study and research purposes. There are[…]

Amritya Sen Urges Investment in Pawapuri

  Patna 26th Feb 09:     Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen visiting Bihar currently for a meeting of the mentor group of the proposed Nalanda International University in Nalanda. He  heads that mentor group. The renowned economist took time to visit Pawapuri, where Bhagwan Mahavira attained enlightenment and where his last rites were performed. He had previously[…]

Jain Centre of Greater Phoenix

Panch Kalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav   Jain Centre of Greater Phoenix The Jain community of Greater Phoenix conducted dedication ceremonies with full rituals for its magnificent temple from 20th to 26th December.  The dedication was attended by over a thousand devotees who had travelled from all over the world. Several eminent Jains from India had travelled specially[…]

The Pontific Council

The Institute & The Pontific Council of Inter Religious Dialogue Institute has maitained a regular contact with the Pontific Council for Inter Religious Dialogues since it led a delegation of prominent Jains to Rome.  Every year, the Institute sends greetings to the President of the Council at Easter and Christmas times. The President of the[…]