Padmashri Kumarpal Desai Honoured

Padmashri  Kumarpal Desai has been conferred with yet another very prestigious award: Acharya Tulsi Anekant Sanmaan by Jain Vishwa Bharti & Preksha Vishwa Bharti. The award was announced in Jaipur by Shri Surendra Chauradia, Head of Jain Vishwa Bharti, in presence of Param Pujya Shri Acharya Mahapragyaji. This annual award is sponsored by M B[…]

Weekly Meatless Day in Belgium

Press release – Ghent May 13, 2008 Weekly meatless day official in Belgium. Belgian city of Ghent first to introduce meatless days  Starting May 13, the Belgian city of Ghent, one of the 370 European climate cities, became the first worldwide to officially promote a weekly meatless day.  According to FAO, livestock is responsible for eighteen percent of[…]

Heritage Lottery Grant

HERITAGE LOTTERY GRANT FOR ACCESS TO JAIN MANUSCRIPTS IN UK INSTITUTIONS March 17th, 2008 London, UK: The Institute of Jainology today announced that it has received a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant of £375,000 towards the creation of an ambitious on-line multimedia resource which will illustrate Jain manuscripts and artefacts held by major UK libraries[…]

Ahimsa Day At the House of Commons Portcullis House,  LONDON Monday 8th October 2007   In the presence of respected Jain Samanijis, the Chief Guest, Rt. Hon. Hazel Blears, Members of the House and guests, the Institute of Jainology celebrated the fifth annual Ahimsa Day at the House of Commons. The event this year became much[…]

India’s PM Launches Jain Manuscript Catalogue May 2006

Hon. Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh Launches the Jain Manuscripts Catalogue of The British Library in Delhi on Saturday, 27th May, 2006       27th May 2006 will be a landmark day in the history of the Institute. Honourable Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh launched the catalogue of some 1400[…]