Category Archives: JAINpedia

Jainpedia is recruiting

 The Stg Pds 800K project, Jainpedia project is progressing as scheduled and first public exhibition of the work done so far will take place during 2010 at V & A Museum. The contractors for the project were appointed last year who have been doing the ground work. The Institute appointed two personnel of its own to support the contractors[…]

Digitisation & Contextualisation

                                    Project to make the Manuscripts Accessible to All                                         (Manuscript Digitisation & Contextualisation Project) The Catalogue of Jain Manuscript that has been launched is really a technical document useable mainly by the researching academicians. These catalogues are in fact very detailed indices of the individual manuscripts held in the collections they refer to. They include[…]

Heritage Lottery Grant

HERITAGE LOTTERY GRANT FOR ACCESS TO JAIN MANUSCRIPTS IN UK INSTITUTIONS March 17th, 2008 London, UK: The Institute of Jainology today announced that it has received a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant of £375,000 towards the creation of an ambitious on-line multimedia resource which will illustrate Jain manuscripts and artefacts held by major UK libraries[…]