Gallery Talk on Jain Art at V&A

Jainpedia Project Team is delighted to announce that our first Gallery Talk ‘Jain Art from India’ will take place at the V&A in the Nehru Gallery of Indian Art, please see below for details.  All are welcome to attend this interesting and educational event with Asia Curator Nick Barnard on 20th May 2010 at 13.00 hrs.  For more information please contact [email protected] (Museum Consultant).

Cat Ref: 2006BK3464
Rules of conduct for monks (detail),
A page from an Uttaradhyayanasutra manuscript,
opaque watercolour on paper, Gujarat, India, about 1450.

The Jain religion is one of the oldest religions of India and has a rich artistic tradition. A small display of finely illustrated Jain manuscript pages from the 15th to 19th centuries will open at the V&A in May to accompany the launch of JAINpedia, an ambitious project digitising Jain manuscripts in the UK. Manuscripts were preserved in temple libraries and the V&A’s collection includes examples in a range of styles, some never displayed before. The talk will also discuss Jain sculptures, of which the V&A has a collection of superb quality.