Lok Kosh, a project to update Guajrati Lexicon on line dictionaries through people’s participation with new-age and contemporary words from other languages being used in Gujarati, was launched on Tuesday 27th October in Ahemadabad.
The Chandaria Foundation along with IT and linguistic experts developed the Gujarati Lexicon on line dictionary. At the inauguration, Ratilal Chandaria, founder of Gujarati Lexicon, Neeta Shah, Director, e-Governance, Gujarat Informatics Ltd, Mr Pradip Khandwalla, former Director, Indian Institute of Mangement, Ahemdabad were present.
Chandaria’s lifelong passion for working for and developing Gujarati language is still as strong at the age of 86 and this has inpired many professionals to dedicate their expertise to the language. However, he identifies himself as only a soldier who is serving his mother tounge, Gujarati.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>”It is necessary to make the language and the dictionary accessible to the younger generation and – use of modern technology is the best way to achieve it” said Chandaria.</p>

If you have suggestions or comments on this venture to keep the Gujarati lagnuage alive please do make a comment on this page.