H H The Pope thanks Jains for commitment to care for the planet Dialogue on Origins of Faith & Scriptures
The IoJ led its third delegation to the Vatican to meet with the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue (PCID). A joint press communiqué was released calling upon ‘the followers of both religious traditions to promote respect for the environment, non-exploitation of natural resources, reduction of wastefulness, care for all forms of life, and concern for future generations’
One JAIN Umbrella Organisation Established
Relations with the Catholic Church
The IoJ attends the inauguration of Pope Francis I in Rome. Cardinal Tauran, leader of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, and other Roman Catholic clergy visit the Jain temple at Potters Bar in June, following a visit the previous year by Archbishop Kevin McDonald on 16th May 2012.
www.jainpedia.org and www.learnjainism.org
The JAINpedia website is formally launched in June 2013, unveiling new interactive functionality, such as the timeline and image gallery. The new Learn Jainism website goes live at the same time in a similar design. As well as all the quizzes, pictures and other material from the original website, it also contains new lesson plans and other teaching materials.