A Rare Opportunity in Academia

A rare opening at the NTU in Singapore may be an ideal opportunity to enter the international academia world. Jain doctoral graduates have limited opportunities to enter in to a profession at a International University.

Jainism is one of 10 officially recognized religions Singapore. It has a thriving Jain business and professional community that is extensively involved in local community service and interfaith outreach across South East Asia. The Singapore Jain Religious Society had chaired the Singapore Inter-Religious Organization for the last two years. This is an opportunity to both strenghen the Singapore Jain community’s academic learning and also for personal development of working experience in a very broadbased multifaith environment.

Academic Position: Asian Philosophy or Asian Religion

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, invites qualified academics to apply for a newly created tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor in Asian Philosophy or Asian Religion (Philosophy Group).

Candidates should possess a Ph.D. and demonstrate a commitment to excellence in research as well as teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The successful candidate will be teaching two courses per semester which include courses for philosophy majors/minors and for general education. He or she must maintain an active research agenda and be scholarly productive in research. In addition, a reasonable amount of university service, such as curricular development and committee work, is also expected.

The University offers competitive remuneration packages commensurate with qualifications and experience, and comprehensive benefits.  Faculty members can expect generous support for research, including grants for travel and conferences. For further information about the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, please refer to the following website:www.hss.ntu.edu.sg

To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for Submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment

(www.ntu.edu.sg/ohr/CareerOpportunities/SubmitanApplication/Pages/FacultyPositions.aspx)  and send your application package (consisting of a cover letter, personal particulars form, curriculum vitae, a statement on teaching as well as current and future research plans, the names and contact details of three referees, and a sample publication) to:  [email protected]

Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. To receive full consideration, applications should be received by28 July 2013. The successful candidate is expected to assume duty in January 2014 and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.