JAINpedia is a £700,000 project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Jain community. The 5 year project was conceived in 2007 with the vision of making the Jain collections in major UK institutions more accessible to public. The ambitious plan opened up important holdings through public exhibitions, events and a media-rich website – www.jainpedia.org. The objectives of the project were to spread the knowledge of Jainism, improve the community’s connections and finally for academic research and teaching.
Jainpedia Manuscripts | Articles | e-Library | Historical Timeline
Visitors from around the world have used JAINpedia and given enthusiastic feedback. Over 30,000 people visited the various exhibitions held at the major institutions, the JAINpedia site has had over 5 million page views, and it is often called the most comprehensive and respected online resource on Jainism.