A campaign which sets out to raise awareness of the upcoming change in the law around organ donation in England was launched at a packed meeting of Hindus and Jains in Parliament on 10 July 2019.
The meeting was chaired by Lord Jitesh Gadhia and the chief guest was the Rt Hon Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

Hindus and Jains are generally positive about organ donation but there is a huge need to explain organ donation to members of both communities in the context of the change in law, which will come into force in England from spring 2020.
Lord Jitesh Gadhia said:
“The forthcoming change in the law has provided a new impetus to understand how Organ Donation impacts the British Indian community and how we can best respond and get ready. It is particularly important to understand the facts and not be taken in by fake news.
“The legal change allows us to influence social acceptance and gain access to new resources such as the Government’s Community Investment Fund and the Faith Specific Donor Card. It also allows us to push for appropriate investment in shortage areas, for example, the recruitment of more Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation, ensure that we collect the right data to inform policy and not forget about the vital role which living donation can also play.”
A national group called the Jain and Hindu Organ Donation (JHOD) steering group was established last year to lead on this work. JHOD has been working in partnership with NHS Blood and Transplant, the organisation responsible for organ donation across the UK, in developing videos and leaflets on the change in law from a Hindu and Jain perspective.
Rt Hon Matt Hancock expressed his delight at seeing such a large number of attendees at the meeting and assured everyone of his commitment and support.
Mille Banerjee, Chair of the NHSBT Board, also found it very inspiring and encouraging to see the amount of interest shown by the Hindus and the Jains in learning about the change in law related to organ donation and congratulated the JHOD officers for having raised the profile of the project.
JHOD will now encourage Hindus and Jains to start talking about organ donation in the lead up to the law coming into force next year.
Kirit Modi, Chair of JHOD steering group said: Many Hindu and Jain communities are keen to get this information to their local community members. JHOD is ready to support such activities by offering practical support by using the extensive experience of members of its steering group. Hindus and Jains can make a significant contribution to organ donation and help save lives”.
Key points to remember
- From spring 2020, the law around organ and tissue donation in England is changing
- All adults in England will be considered as having agreed to donate their own organs when they die unless they record a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.
- Excluded groups include: those under 18, people who lack mental capacity, visitors to England, those not living here voluntarily and people who have lived in England for less than 12 months before their death
- Adults covered by the change will still have a choice whether they want to be an organ donor and their families will still be involved before organ donation goes ahead
- Whatever your decision, make your choice clear to your family and closest friends to ensure your choice is honoured