Mr Jaysukh S Mehta awarded BEM (British Empire Medal) in King’s 2024 Birthday Honours List

IOJ Trustee: Mr Jaysukh S Mehta

Institute of Jainology Trustee has been recognised for Faith Integration and Humanitarianism.

The Institute of Jainology is pleased to announce its Trustee, Mr Jaysukh S Mehta, has been awarded a BEM (British Empire Medal) by His Majesty the King in the 2024 Birthday Honours List for services to Faith Integration and Humanitarianism.

Jaysukhbhai has been actively involved in charity and community work for the last 30 years, helping conceive and establishing the OneJAIN group, as well as funding and setting up a range of humanitarian activities here and in India.

Jaysukhbhai has been a Trustee at the Institute of Jainology for the last 25 years and was involved in raising the profile of the Jain community within UK society generally and Government bodies.

Alongside other committee members, he set up OneJAIN drawing together the various UK based Jain groups to enable them to speak with a unified voice in public forums; he felt this was crucial if Jains were to receive the similar status and benefits provided to other faiths/ community groups.

During the covid pandemic Jaysukhbhai, alongside the OneJAIN Team facilitated health seminars sharing advice from medical experts in Gujarati to dispel any misinformation there was and further supported this with the distribution of medical equipment to vulnerable residents in the local community.

He is currently also the Managing Trustee of Shree Raj Saubhag UK.

He has funded and set up a large range of humanitarian activities in Sayla, India where Raj Saubhag Ashram is based, with an emphasis on creating long-term change as well as short term relief for the poverty stricken. Charitable projects include setting up medical camps, dental surgeries, eye camps and a rehabilitation centre.

Jaysukhbhai has a passion for empowering young people. He was instrumental in establishing a girls’ secondary school in Sayla, a higher education institution there as well as an extensive teacher training programme, (this was used as a blueprint by the Gujarat government).

In the UK, he supports under privileged teenagers looking to expand their horizons through voluntary schemes for their gap year.

He was a Trustee of Navnat Vanik Association for 6 years, with an emphasis on raising funds and establishing a centre that would meet the demands of the community. Together with his family, he helped established a Jain temple in the local area serving many hundreds of worshippers every week.

Jaysukhbhai was born in Uganda after completing his schooling came to the UK. He graduated with a Honours degree in Electrical Engineering from the Imperial College. He worked in Uganda and Nigeria before joining the family business in the UK. That business was sold in 1995 and he decided to retire from the commercial world at the age of 53 and dedicate his life to spirituality and serve the cause of humanity.

Jaysukhbhai draws inspiration from his Ba’s (mother) legacy who emphasised the importance of community and charitable works and is grateful for the support he has received from his family.

In response to receiving the Award, Jaysukhbhai said “I am humbled and also delighted to have received this Award and I am grateful it shines a spotlight on Jainism and the importance of charitable work. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who provided guidance and worked alongside me in these projects, without who this would not be possible.”


Posted By Kishor B Shah
03 July 2024
Kishor B Shah