Jain Religion Representation by: Samani Dr Pratibha Pragyaji and Samani Unnata Pragyaji
Dr. Samani Pratibha Pragya and Samani Unnata Pragya from Jain Vishva Bharati, London represented OneJAIN UK at the International Conference on Religions and Sustainable Development Goals at Vatican City between 7th – 9th March 2019.
His Holiness Pope Francis greeted leaders from world religious traditions and representatives of International Organisations. He reminded the delegates about the ‘sacredness of our earth’ and asked them to open up their treasures of knowledge to build the future of our planet. He emphasised it is time to listen to the cry of the EARTH and the POOR.

On 8th March Samani, Dr Pratibha Pragya-ji presented her paper to the panel titled Interreligious partnership for a sustainable world. She addressed the panel in the august audience of international representatives from eight major religions around the world.
Below is an excerpt from her presentation on “Reverence for all Life-forms: A Jain Approach to Sustainability: A Jain Perspective”.
Whilst explaining the pristine philosophy of the Jain tenets, she mentioned that that rare human life is gifted with a reasoning mind and spiritual power or awareness. The essence of Human Life should be an opportunity of maximising unconditional compassion and reverence towards all life forms during our entire journey in this world. With this ideal goal, Lord Mahavir, the 24th Jain Tirthankar (ford-maker), explicitly stated, “one whom you intend to kill is none other than yourself” (Ācārāṅga-sūtrā, 5.101). When we have the spiritual insight that I and every other life form is equal, then empathy begins. Only after becoming aware of the six categories of living beings in our universe, does the praxis of compassion towards them commence. Moreover, adhering to this maxim will lead to a sustainable solution to the current global environmental crisis. Jains abide by the principles imparted by the Jina i.e. the spiritual victor, who said that ‘reverence for all life forms is essential for sustaining the existence of the universe and oneself’ which encapsulate the five Ps’ which was the theme of the conference: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Finally, she urged one and all that diet is an important factor for inner and outer transformation of personality and behaviour. Vegetarianism or more recently veganism is a practical way to save the planet from despicable cruelty and adverse environmental impact. Jain religion advocates a vegetarian diet for spiritual growth, personal transformation and universal peace and prosperity.

Samani Pratibha Pragya and Samani Unnata Pragya both participated in think tank sessions on Peace and Planet of the conference and provided valuable insights based on the Jain principles.