OneJAIN Launches Manifesto for 2024 UK General Election

OneJAIN, the collaboration of all 35 UK Jain organisation, led by the Institute of Jainology has today launched its 2024 election manifesto (Download Manifesto). This is the third general election for which there has been a OneJAIN manifesto. 

The manifesto covers six key areas:


Jains are a well-integrated British Indian community, and should be better represented as part of the UK’s multicultural and diverse family

1. Jainism should be added as a ‘Tick Box’ in the Religions Section in the next national census.

In the last national census, over 25,000 Jains ticked the ‘Other’ box, and selected Jain. This is about 40% of the British Jain population. We believe that not having a Jain option in main census results in massive under reporting which impacts both policy and funding of public services.

2. Jains and Jainism should be represented at major national and interfaith events

As a nationally recognised faith, Jainism should be represented at all major national and interfaith events. Jains wish to play their part in society, multi-faith and interfaith dialogue and will actively campaigns for better Jain representation.

3. Representation in public life

Jains are an integral part of the multi faith society that is modern Britain and wish to contribute at all levels of government and public life. They should be better represented in parliament, local government, and civil society. OneJAIN actively campaigns for better Jain representation.


Jains believe in compassion and reducing violence in our daily lives, and in society more broadly

4. Respecting the religious and cultural needs of Jains and Jainism

Public bodies need to recognise Jain communities in their localities and ensure that their services acknowledge the specific needs of those that observe the Jain faith.

In health and social care, this includes unique dietary, medicinal, chaplaincy and crematoria needs, and in schools this includes dietary requirements and RE and Indic language options.

All public bodies with Jain staff should allow the observance of major Jain religious festivals. OneJAIN actively campaigns for better recognition and delivery of Jain religious and cultural needs.

5 Respecting people and reducing violence

There has been a significant rise in crimes, and in particular violent crimes, in the areas in which Jains live and work. We believe in the need for local policing, amongst other active measures to stem this violence.

OneJAIN will actively campaign against violent protest in response to religious, social or political events in the UK or other parts of the world. Jains respect the rights of all to peaceful protest as a key part of a free, democratic society, but are against all forms of violent protest.


The Jain community is a tight-knit community that seeks to support each other, and those around it

6 Promoting stronger UK-India bilateral ties

Jainism originated in India and continues to have social, cultural and religions links with the sub-continent. OneJAIN promotes stronger cultural and economic ties with India, as a major global superpower.


OneJAIN will be widely circulating this manifesto and encouraging all Jains to register and vote. 

Download Manifesto

Key Dates and Deadlines:

Elections will be held on Thursday 4th July 2024. To ensure you do not miss out on your chance to vote here are some key dates and links.

Register to Vote by no later than Tuesday 18 June 2024 – it takes 5 minutes online here

Check you have acceptable photo ID here and if needed you can apply for a free voter ID here by no later than 5pm Tuesday 26 June 2024.

Not going to be around on 4th July 2024?  – make your vote count by applying for either a Postal or Proxy Vote

Postal Vote Application deadline Wednesday 19 June 2024

Proxy Vote Deadline 5pm Tuesday 26 June 2024

Read the OneJain Manifesto here:

OneJAIN Manifesto 2024