QCDA Consultation on RE for new National Curriculum

QCDA (Qualification & Curriculum Development Authority) is managing a major consultation on four issues, two of which directly affect Religious Education. As part of this consultation, QCDA intends to hold focus groups for members of faith or belief communities, and members of SACREs, in different parts of the country:
    1. 1st June in London
    2. 22nd June in Newcastle
    3. 13th July in Birmingham
The letter of invitation below are for one of these three events, and is intended for members of faith or belief communities, and members of SACREs, only. Other focus group events are being held for other interest groups.
QCDA is keen that the voices of faith/belief communities to be heard clearly as part of the consultation and thus these consultations.
Also as part of National consultation, QCDA would like to hear about what you think of the government’s curriculum proposals on a new primary curriculum, changes to personal, social, health and economic education, updated level descriptions and updated religious education guidance. Visit: www.qca.org.uk/curriculumconsultation .

Letter of Invitation
 Dear colleague
Invitation to a consultation focus group for members of faith/belief communities and SACREs, 1 June 2009, London (22nd June in Newcastle , 13th July in Birmingham)
You may be aware that the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families has announced the start of a statutory public consultation period for a number of developments affecting the curriculum. QCDA has been asked by the Department for Children, Schools and Families to manage the national consultation on its behalf
The consultation will collect public responses to:
·                     The Secretary of State’s proposals for the new primary curriculum, including the three aims, essentials for learning and life, and seven programmes of learning;
·                     Sir Alasdair Macdonald’s recommendations to make Personal, Social and Health Education statutory
·                     new draft level descriptions for national curriculum subjects and RE
·                     new draft non-statutory RE guidance, replacing the RE parts of Circular 1/94
QCDA will be organising a series of focus groups, and would very much like you or your organisation to be represented. With this in mind, could we ask you to reserve 1 June 2009 from 10.30am to 3.00pm at QCDA offices in London (or Newcastle on 22nd June and Birmingham on 3rd July).
The aim of this event will be to offer a structured opportunity to important stakeholders to submit considered, extensive expert opinion, in response to the consultation documents which will be available to you before the meeting starts. Every group and individual will also be able to use the QCDA’s online survey at any time; but the focus group enables a deeper penetration of issues and more extended responses to questions. Focus group input will form part of the report that QCDA will deliver to the department at the end of the consultation. The focus group will be able to choose which of the four issues it wishes to respond to, and may respond to one, some or all of them, according to its preference.
The programme for the focus group meeting, and notes on the location, will be sent to you when we receive your acceptance of the invitation. If you should choose to accept our invitation, please note that QCDA will make claim forms for supply costs and travel expenses available to you on the day. Refreshments and lunch will be available to all.
As part of your preparation for the focus group meeting, please visit www.qcda.org.uk/curriculumconsultation and read the documents on which you wish to comment. If you would like any of these documents, or this letter, in an alternative format please contact Sarah Hogan on [email protected] or 02476 716 707. The focus group meeting will work most effectively if all participants are already familiar with those parts of the consultation on which they wish to comment. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you read these documents carefully in advance of the meeting. This will give you the maximum possible time for commenting and discussing.
For your attendance on the day, if you have any access requirements, including dietary requirements (lunch will be provided), then please let us know when you confirm your place.
Thank you, in advance, for participating in this event. Please could you respond to Sarah Hogan on [email protected]
Yours sincerely
Mark Chater
Curriculum Adviser, Qualifications & Curriculum Authority