Institute of Jainology and Oshwal Association of the United Kingdom jointly hosted the visit of the Religions & Cultures Group from the Spelthorne University of Third Age. The group was led by their Co-ordinator: Elaine Rowsell who organised the visit through Harshadbhai.
On Monday, 15th October, Harshad N Sanghrajka and Vinay K Shah of IOJ went to Potters Bar at 9:00 AM to help in the organisation and to receive the group. They were pleased to find everything ready and thanked Shri Manubhai and Vijaybhai for their cooperation.
The coach with 33 people arrived early at 9:30 which allowed them to enjoy their tea and biscuits in a relaxed atmosphere. They were led to the Upashraya hall where a power point presentation was made on “What is Jainism?” The presentation was well received and there were a lot of questions which were answered to the satisfaction of the audience.
At 11:15 the group was led to the temple through the gardens. Discussions related to the Organisation, the property, the facilities and the general layout of temple grounds took place on the way. On arrival, we all entered the temple and various aspects of Jain temple architecture were explained. The various areas of the temple, the idols, the objects, the sculture and general mode of worship were explained in detail. Questions were responded to appropriately. The beauty of the temple astonished the visitors. On departure, the group was led to the open palm sculpture with explanation of the symbol and the 52 trees were pointed out with expression of unity in the community.

Shri Manubhai and Vijaybhai had in the meantime organised a sandwich lunch with snacks, tea, coffee, biscuits, juice and cold drinks. The group enjoyed discussions as well as the lunch. A donation of £ 50 was made before saying farewell and departing at 12:45.
The feedback from the group was very positive and they were invited to visit the temple with their grandchildren for a similar tour. The group expressed their gratitude to Shri Manubhai and Vijaybhai for excellent arrangements.